Q11. How much does it cost to apply for a trademark?
A: The list of product types in the category determines the number of applications and the public costs to be paid. The trademark application fee is 1,000 THB for each product/service specified at the time of filing (if there are 5 or fewer products), and 9,000 THB for more than 6 products/services that require protection.
(1) Application fee
- 1 designated product / service (1 category) 1,000 THB
- 6 designated products/services or more (1 category) 9,000THB (maximum)
(2) Opposition fee 2,000 THB
(3) Registration fee
- 1 designated product/service (1 category) 600THB
- 6 designated products/services or more (1 category) 5,400 THB (maximum)
(4) Appeal request fee 4,000THB
(5) Renewal application fee
- One designated product/service (one category) 2,000 THB
- More than 6 designated products/services (1 category) 18,000 THB (maximum)