【Trademark Q&A : Vitnam】Q3. What is the process for registering a trademark?
A: The process for registering a trademark have a five-step process.
Trademark application documents can be submitted directly to the head office or representative office of National Office Of Intellectual Property (NOIP).
The application can apply by mailing the application documents to the head office or representative office of NOIP by registered mail, or by online application.
(1) Application
(2) Formality examination
(3) Publication of application
(4) Substantive examination
(5) Registration
【Trademark Q&A : Vietnam】Q2. How long will the right of trademark last?
A: The right of trademark shall be vailed for 10 years from the filing date, and can be renewed as many as 10 years.
Provided however, legal protection shall start from the date of grant of the registration protection certificate.
【Trademark Q&A : Vietnam】Q1. What rights do the trademark owners have?
A: The following rights shall be granted to the trademark owner:
(1) The right to use trademark or to allow others to use the trademark
(2) The right to prohibit others from using trademarks
(3) The right to transfer and/or to have a license